RUMINANTS Do you need advice? PRODUCTS FOR RUMINANTS Disinfectants Desinter Foggersan Forte Mevibacter Mevipow Mevisan NF Ndika FG Vital Air Zeropat Water treatment Dixclor Hidroperox Natural alternatives Arvital Max Arvital SE Kernel Max Normopirex Animal hygiene and handle Actimast Aftermast Alantop Axpe Dracobite Lautor Insecticides Fugita Larviplus Neokill Detergents and soaps Dacid 100 Dacid 150 Dalk 100 Dalk 150 Formisan Grass Mevibox Cleaner Meviforte Neoforte Neutroclean NEEDS IN RUMINANTS Generals Disinsection Lime Cleaning Productivity Improvement Rust Cleaning Surface cleaning Surface disinfection Tool and tool cleaning Vehicle cleaning Water purification Preventive actions Biofilm Elimination Disinfection arches Duct Disinfection (CIP) Floor mats and footbaths Postmedication pipe cleaning Sanitary fords Sanitary Vacuum Silos disinfection Viruses, bacteria and pests Coccidiosis Ectoparasite infestations Pododermatitis Animal welfare Bad smells Caudophagy Diarrhea reduction Immune system stimulation Intestinal Health Mastitis prevention Reduction of ammonia emissions Respiratory challenges Stress situations Superficial wounds Do you have other needs?TELL US YOUR NEEDS